Old habits are hard to break and new ones are harder to learn. When faced with life’s tougher tasks such as changing lifestyle patterns, it’s easier to make excuses, like….  “I’m too tired all the time for exercise. I have trouble finding time for Progress Records. These changes are too difficult to do.  I’ve tried these before. Besides, these changes won’t make me feel better anyway.”

The time for excuses, pessimism and discouragement is over. It’s time to move from don’t to do. While nobody likes waiting for results, procrastination is no longer acceptable. It’s time to begin the healing process, setting realistic goals and taking positive steps for recovery.

Keys to Your Recovery and POWER over POTS Are Learning How to:

  • Avoid and overcome triggers
  • Correct low blood volume
  • Increase salt and fluid intake
  • Reverse cardiovascular muscular deconditioning
  • Reverse lower extremity muscular deconditioning
  • Establish a strengthening and endurance exercise training program.
  • Reduce stress
  • Learn relaxing abdominal breathing

Remove any roadblocks. All of us can benefit from having the social support of a coach, a friend, sibling, parent or fellow POTS patient. Don’t forget the power of good friends. All of us thrive with coaches and friends. Select several of your best coaches and friends and ask them to help you achieve your goals.

Keeping Recovery Records is an essential component of your recovery program. Turn your stumbling blocks into Stepping Stones to Recovery. POWER over POTS provides Recovery Records for increasing fluid and salt intake and exercise. Consider utilizing the Recovery Records like those provided to Monitor Your Progress.

Take Charge!!   Set Goals!!   You Too Can Recover!!

Remember – Failing to Plan = Planning to Fail